The RIST Forum and SipRadius Make RIST Publicly Available


24th March 2020 – The RIST Forum and SipRadius LLC have announced the general availability of libRIST 2.1.2, the first publicly available version of the RIST (Reliable Internet Streaming Transport) Protocol.
The RIST Forum is an industry group dedicated to facilitating and promoting the adoption of the RIST protocol. The project has been sponsored by Florida-based development company, SipRadius.
The project consists of a library and sample calling programs implementing the RIST Protocol, which is defined in the Video Services Forum VSF-TR-06 series of specifications.  Both RIST Simple Profile (TR-06-1) and forthcoming Main Profile (TR-06-2) are supported. The open source licensing for libRIST provides for free redistribution of source and binaries when accompanied by copyright and disclaimer notices. The project includes command-line applications and even documentation with a suggested test regimen.
Sergio Ammirata, Managing Director of SipRadius, and primary author of the code stated that “libRIST provides a fast-start for developers wishing to incorporate a production quality implementation of the new standard in their own projects. It also provides a platform which they can test or measure their own work against.”
Ciro Noronha, RIST Forum President, stated that “With the current climate of uncertainty and with many people suddenly seeking to transmit reliable, high-quality video from homes and remote facilities, internet delivery has become more important than ever. Many of the more advanced features of the protocol, such as encryption, are supported. By providing so much code and functionality up front, we hope to speed the adoption of RIST in general.”
The repository is hosted by at The libRIST project files include support for the Linux, Microsoft® Windows™ and Apple® platforms.

Helen Weedon